• We Specialize In Photographing DANCE!
    Photographing dance is different than anything else. We have to account for a wide variety of ages and skill levels. We also need to get the poses correct, and understand what a "correct" dance pose is, make sure the costumes look good, and get great smiles! Photographing dance is a specialty and our team is one of the best at it. Not all photographers are capable of working with dancers and children. This is what we do, and we are very good at it. 

    Dance Shots has specialized in dance studio photography for over 12 years. We have photographed at many dance studios, we continue to do their photography year after year and have photographed thousands of dancers of all ages over the years. We have built our reputation as one of the BEST dance photography studios in Toronto. Most of our business is a direct result of referrals from other studios.

  • We Shoot on WHITE Backgrounds!
    Most photographers shy away from shooting on white as it is much more complicated and difficult to shoot on, or they try and don't get good results. We have developed a way to shoot on white and we specialize in it. We were one of the very first studios to do this, and we perfected it. Others have tried to do what we do but they just don't know how.

    What does this mean to you? Your costumes are never hidden; in fact they are the center of attention. We prefer to shoot on a solid white background for a few reasons. First, to showcase the colours and costume design, and not take away from them. Second, it won’t clash with any of the colours in the costumes. We also, we avoid the wrinkles and dark backgrounds that the traditional cloth backgrounds often cause. Take a look at our galleries and see for yourself how vibrant your dancers could look!

  • We Cater to YOUR Studio Needs!
    We will work with you and your studio to set-up a schedule and time frame that works best for you. We will arrive and work to keep you on schedule during the photo day so that you don’t have to worry about anything at all. We work with you and your parents, to ensure a smooth photo day. 
  • We Are Fully DIGITAL!
    What this means to you is that your parents and dancers don’t have to wait months to get their pictures back. The turn around time to get proofs to the studio is usually 3-5 days, and final pictures arrive in less than 3 weeks!
  •  We Take Care of the Orders!
    Our staff will take care of all the orders for you. All we ask is that you collect the proof envelopes, and let parents know about the ordering website options. We will then arrange with you a due date to collect the envelopes, print all the orders, and package them individually so that they are ready to be handed out.
  • You Have Options!
    We have a variety of packages, prices, and fundraising options for your studio that will suit everyone’s needs. We can also sit down and design a custom package that works just right for you, your studio, and your parents.
  • You Get ALL the Hi Resolution Images!
    Dance Shots will Provide to your studio a Hi Resolution USB Drive of all the edited individual pictures, and group pictures. You will be able to use these for any marketing or promotion you have, as well as recital programs, or newspaper ads.  
  • You Get a Commission!
    We know you and your staff work hard on picture day at your studio. We want you to be part of our success, and the more we make from the sales, you should benefit as well so Dance Shots pays you a commission from the sales of the images. We believe that you should benefit from the pictures sales and be part of our team.

We would LOVE to talk with you about Photography for your studio